Reasons to Take a Shotgun Class

If you’re going to own and handle a shotgun, you should take a shotgun training class to learn all the different nuances of shotgun use. Security Training Center offers an informative and practical shotgun/rifle class several times a year for Chicago area gun owners and potential gun owners.

Taking a shotgun training class gives you the opportunity to practice defending yourself should you encounter dangerous scenarios. Educating yourself on how to react and handle your firearm is a prudent idea. A class is a chance to experience some stress and see how you handle that stress with a gun in hand… rather than totally recreate a “real world” dangerous situation, a class gives you a taste of what a certain scenario could feel like, so that you get exposed to that feeling and learn how to control your own stress over it. It really helps to have another person talk you through your actions so you gain valuable perspective on what you’re doing and what you want to accomplish with a firearm.

If and when you have to use a shotgun in real life to defend yourself or others, you’re going to have to make fast decisions. You cannot control the timing of events, but you can control your reaction(s) as well as your decisions. A shotgun training class gives you practice with such things. An instructor serves as a mentor, guiding you in your development as a gun user.

Why take the class? You’ll learn how to safely handle your shotgun. You’ll get head knowledge as well as practical shooting experience involving a target. Furthermore, a class is a chance to learn about particular shotgun model parts and how they specifically operate. Classes cover topics like ammunition, shell components/shell malfunctions, shooting fundamentals, range rules, cleaning the gun, and rules for safe handling. Ultimately, a class is a good foundation for learning the basics about shotguns, as well as developing your shotgun skills and a reasonable attitude on how to use a gun.

Security Training Center of Chicago, Illinois, offers a 4-hour shotgun & rifle class several times a year. The cost is $150,which includes range time, target and ammunition. Please call 773-445-4413 to schedule your appointment or to ask about the class.

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